Data Quarantine#

Your data in /scratch/ can be deleted if it haven’t been accessed/modified for 100 days. NCI introduced this in May 2022 to try and help prevent the build-up of unused data. The data is first moved from project directories on /scratch/ into a quarantine space where you will have 14 days to recover it if needed.

See these websites for more info:

Dealing with data that has been moved to quarantine is actually quite simple and if you need to recover it then there are just a few steps to follow.

Viewing Data Expiry Date:#

To list all of your data in a specific project (i.e. w40) and see what is at risk of being moved to quarantine or deleted:

nci-file-expiry list-warnings -p <project> > expiry_warning_<project>.txt

This will save the output to a txt file (expiry_warning_w40.txt if you used =w40) that you can open. In this txt file you will find information for all your at risk data under the following headers:

  • EXPIRES AT: This will give you the date when your file will move into quarantine.

  • GROUP: The project your file belopngs to, i.e. w40.

  • SIZE: How big your file is, i.e. 10GB

  • PATH: Where your file is located.

If you would like to look specifically at data that you already know is in quearantine:

nci-file-expiry list-quarantined -p <project> > expiry_quarantine_<project>.txt

In the outputted expiry_quarantine_.txt you will find the same information as previously but also including:

  • EXPIRED AT: This time it will tell you when your file was moved into quarantine. You will have 14 days from this date before it is permanently deleted.

  • ID: Each file that has entered quaratine is given a unique ID, you will be this in the next step to save your file.

Saving Data from Quarantine:#

To recover specific data from quarantine you will need 2 pieces of information:

  1. ID - quarantine record to recover

  2. path - where to put the data

Once you have these you can submit a request to retrive this data in the command-line:

nci-file-expiry recover ID PATH

Once you’ve requested the recovery of a file, it will go into a queue to be processed at some point in the future. You can check the status of a request using:

usage: nci-file-expiry status [--id ID | --between TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP | --days N]

For more information on these commands:

More Info:#

If there is data that you need to keep long term then there are a couple of things that need to be considered. You can publish your data if you have processed a lot of raw data and it doesn’t already exist on the NCI system or you can move data to the tape system for long-term storage.

Please have a look at this blog:

Data can exist for longer on gdata than on scratch but for longer term you will need to decide on a method from the above link.